Nested message and enum types in AndroidPowerConfig
Nested message and enum types in ChromeConfig
Nested message and enum types in ConsoleConfig
Nested message and enum types in DataSourceConfig
Nested message and enum types in EnableTracingResponse
Nested message and enum types in EtwConfig
Nested message and enum types in FtraceConfig
Nested message and enum types in FtraceDescriptor
Nested message and enum types in GpuCounterDescriptor
Nested message and enum types in HeapprofdConfig
Nested message and enum types in InodeFileConfig
Nested message and enum types in IPCFrame
Nested message and enum types in JavaHprofConfig
Nested message and enum types in ObservableEvents
Nested message and enum types in PerfEventConfig
Nested message and enum types in PerfEvents
Nested message and enum types in ProcessStatsConfig
Nested message and enum types in ReadBuffersResponse
Nested message and enum types in SurfaceFlingerLayersConfig
Nested message and enum types in SurfaceFlingerTransactionsConfig
Nested message and enum types in SysStatsConfig
Nested message and enum types in TestConfig
Nested message and enum types in TraceConfig
Nested message and enum types in TraceStats
Nested message and enum types in TracingServiceState
Data source that lists game modes and game interventions of games
on an Android device.
Data source that polls for display state. This should only be used for
backward-compatibility; AndroidSystemPropertyConfig should be preferred.
Data source that controls the system properties used to guard initialization
of track_event producers (i.e. Skia) in apps using HWUI, and certain
processes like SurfaceFlinger.
Data source that polls for system properties.
Arguments for rpc Attach.
Arguments for rpc ChangeTraceConfig().
Arguments for rpc CloneSession.
The configuration that is passed to each data source when starting tracing.
Next id: 126
This message is sent from Producer(s) to the tracing Service when registering
to advertise their capabilities. It describes the structure of tracing
protos that will be produced by the data source and the supported filters.
Arguments for rpc Detach
Arguments for rpc DisableTracing().
Arguments for rpc EnableTracing().
Arguments for rpc Flush().
Arguments for rpc FreeBuffers().
Next id: 26.
Description of GPU counters.
This message is sent by a GPU counter producer to specify the counters
available in the hardware.
Configuration for go/heapprofd.
Next id: 28
Configuration for trace packet interception. Used for diverting trace data to
non-Perfetto sources (e.g., logging to the console, ETW) when using the
Perfetto SDK.
Configuration for managed app heap graph snapshots.
Network tracing data source that records details on all packets sent or
received by the network.
To stop observing events of a certain type, send a request with the remaining
types. To stop observing completely, send an empty request.
Data source that lists details (such as version code) about packages on an
Android device.
Configuration for the traced_perf profiler.
Next id: 12
Custom configuration for the “android.protolog” data source.
ProtoLog is a logging mechanism that is intented to be more efficient than
logcat. This configures what logs to capture in the tracing instance.
Arguments for rpc QueryCapabilities.
Arguments for rpc QueryServiceState.
Arguments for rpc ReadBuffers().
TODO: uint32 buffer_id = 1;
Arguments for rpc SaveTraceForBugreport.
This response is sent only after the trace was saved into file (if succeeded)
or something failed.
Arguments for rpc StartTracing().
This file is named ‘statsd_tracing_config.proto’ rather than
‘statsd_config.proto’ (which would be more consistent with the other
config protos) so it doesn’t show up and confuse folks looking for
the existing statsd_config.proto for configuring statsd itself.
Same for the config proto itself.
Custom configuration for the “android.surfaceflinger.layers” data source.
Custom configuration for the “android.surfaceflinger.transactions” data
This file defines the configuration for the Linux /proc poller data source,
which injects counters in the trace.
Counters that are needed in the trace must be explicitly listed in the
_counters fields. This is to avoid spamming the trace with all counters
at all times.
The sampling rate is configurable. All polling rates (_period_ms) need
to be integer multiples of each other.
OK: [10ms, 10ms, 10ms], [10ms, 20ms, 10ms], [10ms, 20ms, 60ms]
Not OK: [10ms, 10ms, 11ms], [10ms, 15ms, 20ms]
This data-source does a one-off recording of system information when
the trace starts.
Currently this includes:
The configuration for a fake producer used in tests.
The overall config that is used when starting a new tracing session through
It contains the general config for the logging buffer(s) and the configs for
all the data source being enabled.
Statistics for the internals of the tracing service.
Reports the state of the tracing service. Used to gather details about the
data sources connected.
See ConsumerPort::QueryServiceState().
The following fields define the set of enabled trace categories. Each list
item is a glob.