- Child
Value V32 - Fsverity
Metadata V33 - Object
Attributes V32 - Object
KeyV32 - Object
KeyV40 - Object
KeyV43 - Posix
Attributes V32 - Timestamp
- Attribute
KeyV32 - Encryption
Keys V32 - Encryption
Keys V40 - Extended
Attribute Value V32 - Object
Descriptor V32 - Object
KeyData V32 - Object
KeyData V40 - Object
KeyData V43 - Object
KeyFuzzy Hash Iterator - Object
Kind V32 - Object
Kind V38 - Object
Kind V40 - Object
Kind V41 - Object
Value V32 - Object
Value V33 - Object
Value V37 - Object
Value V38 - Object
Value V40 - Object
Value V41 - Project
Property V32 - Root
Digest V33
Type Aliases§
- Attribute
Key - Child
Value - Id and descriptor for a child entry.
- Encryption
Keys - Extended
Attribute Value - Fsverity
Metadata - Object
Attributes - Object-level attributes. Note that these are not the same as “attributes” in the ObjectValue::Attribute sense, which refers to an arbitrary data payload associated with an object. This naming collision is unfortunate.
- Object
Descriptor - ObjectDescriptor is the set of possible records in the object store.
- Object
Item - Object
Item V40 - Object
Item V41 - Object
Item V43 - Object
Key - ObjectKey is a key in the object store.
- Object
KeyData - Object
Kind - Object
Value - ObjectValue is the value of an item in the object store. Note that the tree stores deltas on objects, so these values describe deltas. Unless specified otherwise, a value indicates an insert/replace mutation.
- Posix
Attributes - This consists of POSIX attributes that are not used in Fxfs but it may be meaningful to some clients to have the ability to to set and retrieve these values.
- Project
Property - For specifying what property of the project is being addressed.
- Root
Digest - Timestamp
- UNIX epoch based timestamp in the UTC timezone.