Expand description

Provides convenience macros for writing to an inspect bounded list (bounded log)


let inspector = Inspector::default();
let list_node = inspector.root().create_child("list_node");
let list_node = BoundedListNode::new(list_node, 10);
inspect_log!(list_node, k1: "1".to_string(), meaning_of_life: 42u64, k3: 3i64, k4: 4f64);
// Inspect now has:
// root: {
//   list_node: {
//     "0": { "@time": <timestamp>, k1: "1", meaning_of_life: 42, k3: 3, k4: 4 }
//   }
// }


  • Wrapper to log bytes in an inspect_log! or inspect_insert! macro.
  • Wrapper to log a list of items in inspect_log! or inspect_insert! macro. Each item in the list must be a type that implements WriteInspect
  • Wrapper around a list [T] and a closure function F that determines how to map and log each value of T in inspect_log! or inspect_insert! macro.
  • Wrapper to log uint array in an inspect_log! or inspect_insert! macro.
  • StringReference is a type that can be constructed and passed into the Inspect API as a name of a Node. If this is done, only one reference counted instance of the string will be allocated per Inspector. They can be safely used with LazyNodes.
