Trait IterExt

pub trait IterExt: Iterator + Sized {
    // Required methods
    fn to_bytes(self) -> Utf8CharSplitter<Self::Item, Self> 
       where Self::Item: Borrow<Utf8Char>;
    fn to_units(self) -> Utf16CharSplitter<Self::Item, Self> 
       where Self::Item: Borrow<Utf16Char>;
    fn to_utf8chars(self) -> Utf8CharMerger<Self::Item, Self> 
       where Self::Item: Borrow<u8>;
    fn to_utf16chars(self) -> Utf16CharMerger<Self::Item, Self> 
       where Self::Item: Borrow<u16>;
Expand description

Iterator methods that convert between u8s and Utf8Char or u16s and Utf16Char

All the iterator adapters also accept iterators that produce references of the type they convert from.

Required Methods§


fn to_bytes(self) -> Utf8CharSplitter<Self::Item, Self>
where Self::Item: Borrow<Utf8Char>,

Converts an iterator of Utf8Chars or &Utf8Chars to an iterator of u8s.

Has the same effect as .flat_map() or .flatten(), but the returned iterator is ~40% faster.

The iterator also implements Read (when the std feature isn’t disabled).
Reading will never produce an error, and calls to .read() and .next() can be mixed.

The exact number of bytes cannot be known in advance, but size_hint() gives the possible range. (min: all remaining characters are ASCII, max: all require four bytes)


From iterator of values:

use encode_unicode::{IterExt, StrExt};

let iterator = "foo".utf8chars();
let mut bytes = [0; 4];
for (u,dst) in iterator.to_bytes().zip(&mut bytes) {*dst=u;}
assert_eq!(&bytes, b"foo\0");

From iterator of references:

use encode_unicode::{IterExt, StrExt, Utf8Char};

let chars: Vec<Utf8Char> = "💣 bomb 💣".utf8chars().collect();
let bytes: Vec<u8> = chars.iter().to_bytes().collect();
let flat_map: Vec<u8> = chars.iter().flat_map(|u8c| *u8c ).collect();
assert_eq!(bytes, flat_map);

Reading from it:

use encode_unicode::{IterExt, StrExt};
use std::io::Read;

let s = "Ååh‽";
assert_eq!(s.len(), 8);
let mut buf = [b'E'; 9];
let mut reader = s.utf8chars().to_bytes();
assert_eq!( buf[..]).unwrap(), 8);
assert_eq!( buf[..]).unwrap(), 0);
assert_eq!(&buf[..8], s.as_bytes());
assert_eq!(buf[8], b'E');

fn to_units(self) -> Utf16CharSplitter<Self::Item, Self>
where Self::Item: Borrow<Utf16Char>,

Converts an iterator of Utf16Char (or &Utf16Char) to an iterator of u16s.

Has the same effect as .flat_map() or .flatten(), but the returned iterator is about twice as fast.

The exact number of units cannot be known in advance, but size_hint() gives the possible range.


From iterator of values:

use encode_unicode::{IterExt, StrExt};

let iterator = "foo".utf16chars();
let mut units = [0; 4];
for (u,dst) in iterator.to_units().zip(&mut units) {*dst=u;}

assert_eq!(units, ['f' as u16, 'o' as u16, 'o' as u16, 0]);

From iterator of references:

use encode_unicode::{IterExt, StrExt, Utf16Char};

// (💣 takes two units)
let chars: Vec<Utf16Char> = "💣 bomb 💣".utf16chars().collect();
let units: Vec<u16> = chars.iter().to_units().collect();
let flat_map: Vec<u16> = chars.iter().flat_map(|u16c| *u16c ).collect();

assert_eq!(units, flat_map);

fn to_utf8chars(self) -> Utf8CharMerger<Self::Item, Self>
where Self::Item: Borrow<u8>,

Decodes bytes as UTF-8 and groups them into Utf8Chars

When errors (invalid values or sequences) are encountered, it continues with the byte right after the start of the error sequence.
This is neither the most intelligent choiche (sometimes it is guaranteed to produce another error), nor the easiest to implement, but I believe it to be the most predictable. It also means that ASCII characters are never hidden by errors.


Replace all errors with u+FFFD REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER:

use encode_unicode::{Utf8Char, IterExt};

let mut buf = [b'\0'; 255];
let len = b"foo\xCFbar".iter()
    .flat_map(|r| r.unwrap_or(Utf8Char::from('\u{FFFD}')).into_iter() )
    .zip(&mut buf[..])
    .map(|(byte, dst)| *dst = byte )

assert_eq!(&buf[..len], "foo\u{FFFD}bar".as_bytes());

Collect everything up until the first error into a string:

use encode_unicode::iterator::Utf8CharMerger;
let mut good = String::new();
for r in Utf8CharMerger::from(b"foo\xcc\xbbbar\xcc\xddbaz") {
   if let Ok(uc) = r {
   } else {
assert_eq!(good, "foo̻bar");

Abort decoding on error:

use encode_unicode::{IterExt, Utf8Char};
use encode_unicode::error::{InvalidUtf8Slice, InvalidUtf8};

let result = b"ab\0\xe0\xbc\xa9 \xf3\x80\x77".iter()

assert_eq!(result, Err(InvalidUtf8Slice::Utf8(InvalidUtf8::NotAContinuationByte(2))));

fn to_utf16chars(self) -> Utf16CharMerger<Self::Item, Self>
where Self::Item: Borrow<u16>,

Decodes bytes as UTF-16 and groups them into Utf16Chars

When errors (unmatched leading surrogates or unexpected trailing surrogates) are encountered, an error is produced for every unit.


Replace errors with ‘�’:

use encode_unicode::{IterExt, Utf16Char};

let slice = &['a' as u16, 0xdf00, 0xd83c, 0xdca0][..];
let string = slice.iter()
   .map(|r| r.unwrap_or(Utf16Char::from('\u{fffd}')) ) // REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER

assert_eq!(string, "a�🂠");
use encode_unicode::{IterExt, Utf16Char};
use encode_unicode::error::Utf16PairError::*;

let slice = [0xdcba, 0xdeff, 0xd8be, 0xdeee, 'Y' as u16, 0xdab1, 0xdab1];
let mut iter = slice.iter().to_utf16chars();
assert_eq!(iter.size_hint(), (3, Some(7)));
assert_eq!(, Some(Err(UnexpectedTrailingSurrogate)));
assert_eq!(, Some(Err(UnexpectedTrailingSurrogate)));
assert_eq!(, Some(Ok(Utf16Char::from('\u{3faee}'))));
assert_eq!(, Some(Ok(Utf16Char::from('Y'))));
assert_eq!(, Some(Err(UnmatchedLeadingSurrogate)));
assert_eq!(, Some(Err(Incomplete)));
assert_eq!(iter.into_remaining_units().next(), None);

Search for a codepoint and return the codepoint index of the first match:

use encode_unicode::{IterExt, Utf16Char};

let position = [0xd875, 0xdd4f, '≈' as u16, '2' as u16].iter()
    .position(|r| r == Ok(Utf16Char::from('≈')) );

assert_eq!(position, Some(1));

Dyn Compatibility§

This trait is not dyn compatible.

In older versions of Rust, dyn compatibility was called "object safety", so this trait is not object safe.



impl<I: Iterator> IterExt for I