
Module multi

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Combinators applying their child parser multiple times


  • Runs the embedded parser count times, gathering the results in a Vec
  • Runs the embedded parser repeatedly, filling the given slice with results.
  • Repeats the embedded parser, calling g to gather the results.
  • Repeats the embedded parser, calling g to gather the results.
  • Repeats the embedded parser m..=n times, calling g to gather the results
  • Gets a number from the first parser, then applies the second parser that many times.
  • Gets a number from the parser and returns a subslice of the input of that size. If the parser returns Incomplete, length_data will return an error.
  • Gets a number from the first parser, takes a subslice of the input of that size, then applies the second parser on that subslice. If the second parser returns Incomplete, length_value will return an error.
  • Repeats the embedded parser, gathering the results in a Vec.
  • Repeats the embedded parser, counting the results
  • Runs the embedded parser, gathering the results in a Vec.
  • Runs the embedded parser, counting the results.
  • Repeats the embedded parser m..=n times
  • Applies the parser f until the parser g produces a result.
  • Alternates between two parsers to produce a list of elements.
  • Alternates between two parsers to produce a list of elements until Err::Error.