Function netstack3_ip::device::del_ip_addr_inner

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pub fn del_ip_addr_inner<I: IpDeviceIpExt, BC: IpDeviceBindingsContext<I, CC::DeviceId>, CC: IpDeviceStateContext<I, BC> + GmpHandler<I, BC> + DadHandler<I, BC>>(
    core_ctx: &mut CC,
    bindings_ctx: &mut BC,
    device_id: &CC::DeviceId,
    addr: DelIpAddr<CC::AddressId, I::Addr>,
    reason: AddressRemovedReason,
    _config: &I::Configuration,
) -> Result<(AddrSubnet<I::Addr, I::AssignedWitness>, I::AddressConfig<BC::Instant>, RemoveResourceResultWithContext<AddrSubnet<I::Addr>, BC>), NotFoundError>
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Deletes an IP address from a device, returning the address and its configuration if it was removed.