Trait netstack3_datagram::DatagramSocketMapSpec

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pub trait DatagramSocketMapSpec<I: Ip, D: DeviceIdentifier, A: SocketMapAddrSpec>: SocketMapStateSpec<ListenerId = Self::BoundSocketId, ConnId = Self::BoundSocketId> + SocketMapConflictPolicy<ListenerAddr<ListenerIpAddr<I::Addr, A::LocalIdentifier>, D>, <Self as SocketMapStateSpec>::ListenerSharingState, I, D, A> + SocketMapConflictPolicy<ConnAddr<ConnIpAddr<I::Addr, A::LocalIdentifier, A::RemoteIdentifier>, D>, <Self as SocketMapStateSpec>::ConnSharingState, I, D, A> {
    type BoundSocketId: Clone + Debug;
Expand description

Types and behavior for datagram socket demultiplexing map.

I: Ip describes the type of packets that can be received by sockets in the map.

Required Associated Types§


type BoundSocketId: Clone + Debug

The type of IDs stored in a BoundSocketMap for which this is the specification.

This can be the same as DatagramSocketSpec::SocketId but doesn’t have to be. In the case of dual-stack sockets, for example, an IPv4 socket will have type DatagramSocketSpec::SocketId<Ipv4> but the IPv4 demultiplexing map might have BoundSocketId=Either<DatagramSocketSpec::SocketId<Ipv4>, DatagramSocketSpec::SocketId<Ipv6>> to allow looking up IPv6 sockets when receiving IPv4 packets.

Object Safety§

This trait is not object safe.
