Trait netstack3_base::BidirectionalConverter

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pub trait BidirectionalConverter<Input, Output> {
    // Required methods
    fn convert(&self, a: Input) -> Output;
    fn convert_back(&self, b: Output) -> Input;
Expand description

Provides functions for converting infallibly between types.

This trait can be implemented on types that allow converting between two related types. It has two blanket implementations: () for identity conversions, i.e. Input=Output, and [UninstantiableConverter] as an uninstantiable type that implements the trait for any input and output.

Required Methods§


fn convert(&self, a: Input) -> Output

Converts an instance of Input into an instance of Output.


fn convert_back(&self, b: Output) -> Input

Converts an instance of Output into an instance of Input.

Implementations on Foreign Types§


impl<I> BidirectionalConverter<I, I> for ()


fn convert_back(&self, value: I) -> I


fn convert(&self, value: I) -> I
