Module mock_paver::hooks

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  • A Hook for responding to QueryConfigurationStatus calls.
  • A Hook for responding to ReadAsset calls.
  • A Hook for responding to ReadAsset calls that sets the size field of the returned fuchsia.mem.Buffer independently from the content of the VMO.
  • A Hook for responding to ReadFirmware calls.
  • A Hook for responding to ReadFirmware calls that sets the size field of the returned fuchsia.mem.Buffer independently from the content of the VMO.
  • A Hook for the specific case where you want to return an error. If the callback returns Status::OK, the Hook will pass the request off to the next Hook. Responds to both BootManagerRequests and DataSinkRequests.
  • A Hook for the specific case where you want to control when each PaverEvent is emitted.
  • A Hook for responding to WriteFirmware calls.