
Module directory

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Utility functions for fuchsia.io directories.


  • A directory entry.
  • Describes the type of event that occurred in the directory being watched.
  • A message containing a WatchEvent and the filename (relative to the directory being watched) that triggered the event.
  • Provides a Stream of WatchMessages corresponding to filesystem events for a given directory. After receiving an error, the stream will return the error, and then will terminate. After it’s terminated, the stream is fused and will continue to return None when polled.



  • Opens a new connection to the given directory. The cloned connection has the same permissions.
  • Opens a new connection to the given directory using request. The cloned connection has the same permissions as directory.
  • Gracefully closes the directory proxy from the remote end.
  • Creates a directory named path within the parent directory if it doesn’t exist.
  • Creates a directory named path (including all segments leading up to the terminal segment) within the parent directory. Returns a connection to the terminal directory.
  • Create a randomly named file in the given directory with the given prefix, and return its path and FileProxy. prefix may contain “/”.
  • Returns true if an entry with the specified name exists in the given directory.
  • Returns true if an entry with the specified name exists in the given directory.
  • Opens the given path from the given parent directory as a [P::Proxy]. The target is not verified to be any particular type and may not implement the [P] protocol.
  • Asynchronously opens the given [path] in the current namespace, serving the connection over [request]. Once the channel is connected, any calls made prior are serviced.
  • Opens the given path from given parent directory as a [DirectoryProxy], verifying that the target implements the fuchsia.io.Directory protocol.
  • Opens the given path from the given parent directory as a [DirectoryProxy]. If open fails, the returned DirectoryProxy will be closed with an epitaph.
  • Opens the given path from given parent directory as a [FileProxy], verifying that the target implements the fuchsia.io.File protocol.
  • Opens the given path from the given parent directory as a [FileProxy]. If open fails, the returned FileProxy will be closed with an epitaph.
  • Opens the given path from the current namespace as a [DirectoryProxy].
  • Opens the given path from the given parent directory as a [NodeProxy], verifying that the target implements the fuchsia.io.Node protocol.
  • Parses the buffer returned by a read_dirents FIDL call.
  • Opens path from the parent directory as a file and reads the file contents into a Vec.
  • Opens path from the parent directory as a file and reads the file contents as a utf-8 encoded string.
  • Returns a sorted Vec of directory entries contained directly in the given directory proxy. The returned entries will not include “.” or nodes from any subdirectories.
  • Returns a sorted Vec of directory entries contained directly in the given directory proxy. (Like readdir, but includes the dot path as well.)
  • Returns a Vec of all non-directory nodes and all empty directory nodes in the given directory proxy. The returned entries will not include “.”. |timeout| can be provided optionally to specify the maximum time to wait for a directory to be read.
  • Returns Stream of nodes in tree rooted at the given DirectoryProxy for which |results_filter| returns true plus any leaf (empty) directories. The results filter receives the directory entry for the node in question and if the node is a directory, a reference a Vec of the directory’s contents. The function recurses into sub-directories for which |recurse_filter| returns true. The returned entries will not include “.”. |timeout| can be provided optionally to specify the maximum time to wait for a directory to be read.
  • Returns a sorted Vec of directory entries contained directly in the given directory proxy. The returned entries will not include “.” or nodes from any subdirectories. Timeouts if the read takes longer than the given timeout duration.
  • Removes a directory and all of its children. name must be a subdirectory of root_dir.
  • Rename src to dst under the given directory, src and dst may contain “/”.