Attribute Macro fuchsia::test

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Define a fuchsia test.

This attribute should be applied to a function in a cfg(test) module. It will take care of setting up various Fuchsia crates for the test. If an async function is provided, a fuchsia-async Executor will be used to execute it.


  • threads - integer worker thread count for the test. Must be >0. Default 1.
  • logging - boolean toggle for whether to initialize logging (or not). Default true. This currently does nothing on host. On Fuchsia fuchsia-syslog is used.
  • logging_tags - optional list of string to be used as tags for logs. Default: None.
  • logging_minimum_severity - optional minimum severity to be set for logs. Default: None, the logging library will choose it (typically info).
  • logging_panic_prefix - optional string indicating the panic message prefix to log
  • allow_stalls - boolean toggle for whether the async test is allowed to stall during execution (if true), or whether the function must complete without pausing (if false). .await is not a stall if something preceding the await will guarantee that it finishes within one loop of the Executor. Defaults to true. This argument is not currently available for host tests.
  • add_test_attr - boolean toggle for whether to apply the #[test] attribute to the function. When daisy-chaining with other proc macros, it may be desirable to omit this attribute. Default true.

The test function can return either () or a Result<(), E> where E is an error type. The test function can either take no arguments, or a single usize argument. If it takes an argument, that value will be the current iteration count of running this test repeatedly.