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Wrapper types for fidl_fuchsia_pkg::PackageCacheProxy and its related protocols.


  • A blob in the process of being written.
  • A handle to a blob that must be explicitly closed to prevent future opens of the same blob from racing with this blob closing.
  • An open connection to a provider of the fuchsia.pkg.PackageCache.
  • A deferred call to Get::open_meta_blob or Get::open_blob.
  • A pending fuchsia.pkg/PackageCache.Get() request. Clients must, in order:
  • A blob that needs to be written.
  • State for a blob that has been fully written but that needs a fuchsia.pkg.NeededBlobs.BlobWritten message sent to pkg-cache.
  • State for a blob that can be written to.
  • State for a blob that can be truncated.
