
Module profile

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Helpers for interacting with the fuchsia.bluetooth.bredr.Profile resource.


  • The Attribute ID associated with the GoepL2capPsm attribute. Defined in


  • Attempt to connect to the peer id with the provided connect parameters. Returns an ObexClient connected to the remote OBEX service on success, or an Error if the connection could not be made.
  • Returns the GoepL2capPsm attribute for the provided psm.
  • Returns true if the provided protocol is OBEX.
  • Returns the protocol for an OBEX service for the provided L2CAP psm.
  • Returns the protocol for an OBEX service for the provided RFCOMM channel number.
  • Attempt to parse an OBEX service advertisement into ConnectParameters containing the L2CAP PSM or RFCOMM ServerChannel associated with the service. Returns the parameters on success, None if the parsing fails.