Macro bitfield_bitrange

macro_rules! bitfield_bitrange {
    (@impl_bitrange_slice $name:ident, $slice_ty:ty, $bitrange_ty:ty) => { ... };
    (@impl_bitrange_slice_msb0 $name:ident, $slice_ty:ty, $bitrange_ty:ty) => { ... };
    (struct $name:ident([$t:ty])) => { ... };
    (struct $name:ident(MSB0 [$t:ty])) => { ... };
    (struct $name:ident($t:ty)) => { ... };
Expand description

Implements BitRange and BitRangeMut for a tuple struct (or “newtype”).

This macro will generate an implementation of the BitRange trait for an existing single element tuple struct.

The syntax is more or less the same as declaring a “newtype”, without the attributes, documentation comments and pub keyword.

The difference with a normal “newtype” is the type in parentheses. If the type is [t] (where t is any of the unsigned integer type), the “newtype” will be generic and implement BitRange for T: AsRef<[t]> and BitRangeMut for T: AsMut<[t]> (for example a slice, an array or a Vec). You can also use MSB0 [t]. The difference will be the positions of the bit. You can use the bits_positions example to see where each bits is. If the type is neither of this two, the “newtype” will wrap a value of the specified type and implements BitRange the same ways as the wrapped type.


struct BitField1(u32);
bitfield_bitrange!{struct BitField1(u32)}

struct BitField2<T>(T);
bitfield_bitrange!{struct BitField2([u8])}

struct BitField3<T>(T);
bitfield_bitrange!{struct BitField3(MSB0 [u8])}