class TreeServerSendPreference

Defined at line 26 of file ../../sdk/lib/inspect/component/cpp/tree_handler_settings.h

TreeServerSendPreference describes how the Inspect VMO should be served.

The server has a primary behavior and a failure behavior. These describe the way that the Inspector's VMO handle will be duplicated. The options in general are: - Frozen: this is copy-on-write. - Live: updates to the server side VMO propagate to the client. The client is read-only. - DeepCopy: completely copies the VMO data into a new VMO.

The primary behavior is always configurable. By default, the primary behavior is Frozen.

The failure behavior is configurable when the primary behavior is Frozen. In that case, the failure behavior can be set to either Live or DeepCopy. The default is Live.

The ultimate fallback behavior is always to send a Live VMO.



public void TreeServerSendPreference()

Defined at line 29 of file ../../sdk/lib/inspect/component/cpp/tree_handler_settings.h

Default behavior is to send a Frozen VMO; on failure, it will send a Live VMO.


public TreeServerSendPreference Frozen( Type failure)

Defined at line 47 of file ../../sdk/lib/inspect/component/cpp/tree_handler_settings.h

Freeze the VMO if possible. On failure, do `failure`. `failure` should not be Type::Frozen.


public TreeServerSendPreference Live()

Defined at line 52 of file ../../sdk/lib/inspect/component/cpp/tree_handler_settings.h

Send a live VMO.


public TreeServerSendPreference DeepCopy()

Defined at line 57 of file ../../sdk/lib/inspect/component/cpp/tree_handler_settings.h

Send a true copy of the VMO.


public Type PrimaryBehavior()

Defined at line 61 of file ../../sdk/lib/inspect/component/cpp/tree_handler_settings.h


public optional FailureBehavior()

Defined at line 62 of file ../../sdk/lib/inspect/component/cpp/tree_handler_settings.h


enum class Type
Frozen 0

The VMO is copy-on-write.

Live 1

The VMO is a live reference to the original. Updates to the server side affect the client side.

DeepCopy 2

The VMO is fully copied before being sent.

Defined at line 32 of file ../../sdk/lib/inspect/component/cpp/tree_handler_settings.h

Defines the behavior of the VMO sent over this service.