Macro write_frame_with_fixed_slice
write_frame_with_fixed_slice!() { /* proc-macro */ }
Expand description
Writes a frame into a fixed sized slice.
This macro writes the frame into the fixed sized buffer in the
first argument and returns a Result<(usize, usize), Error>
the values in the returned tuple are the beginning and ending indices
of the frame, respectively.
The second argument of this macro is the specification of the
frame defined in the documentation for write_frame
with the
addition of an optional fill_zeroes
ยงFill with zeroes
The caller may optionally specify fill_zeroes: ()
at the
beginning of the frame specification. The effect is that the frame
will be written so that the end of the frame ends at the end of
the buffer. The beginning of the buffer will be filled with zeroes
up to the start of the frame. For example,
let buffer = [0u8; 10];
let (frame_start, frame_end) = write_frame_with_fixed_slice!(&mut buffer[..], {
fill_zeroes: (),
ies: { ssid: &b"foobar"[..] },
assert_eq!(&[0, 6, 102, 111, 111, 98, 97, 114, 0, 0][..], &buffer[frame_start..frame_end]);