Function glob

pub fn glob(pattern: &str) -> Result<Paths, PatternError>
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Return an iterator that produces all the Paths that match the given pattern using default match options, which may be absolute or relative to the current working directory.

This may return an error if the pattern is invalid.

This method uses the default match options and is equivalent to calling glob_with(pattern, MatchOptions::new()). Use glob_with directly if you want to use non-default match options.

When iterating, each result is a GlobResult which expresses the possibility that there was an IoError when attempting to read the contents of the matched path. In other words, each item returned by the iterator will either be an Ok(Path) if the path matched, or an Err(GlobError) if the path (partially) matched but its contents could not be read in order to determine if its contents matched.

See the Paths documentation for more information.


Consider a directory /media/pictures containing only the files kittens.jpg, puppies.jpg and hamsters.gif:

use glob::glob;

for entry in glob("/media/pictures/*.jpg").unwrap() {
    match entry {
        Ok(path) => println!("{:?}", path.display()),

        // if the path matched but was unreadable,
        // thereby preventing its contents from matching
        Err(e) => println!("{:?}", e),

The above code will print:


If you want to ignore unreadable paths, you can use something like filter_map:

use glob::glob;
use std::result::Result;

for path in glob("/media/pictures/*.jpg").unwrap().filter_map(Result::ok) {
    println!("{}", path.display());

Paths are yielded in alphabetical order.