class TreeServer
Defined at line 29 of file ../../sdk/lib/inspect/component/cpp/service.h
TreeServer is an implementation of the fuchsia.inspect.Tree protocol.
Generally, it is not necessary to use this directly. See `inspect::ComponentInspector`.
This class can be used directly if the client wishes to manage protocol registration details manually.
For an example of usage, see the constructor for `inspect::ComponentInspector`.
Inherits from fidl::WireServer<fuchsia_inspect::Tree>
public void StartSelfManagedServer(
settings, async_dispatcher_t * dispatcher, fidl::ServerEnd<fuchsia_inspect::Tree> && request)
Defined at line 50 of file ../../sdk/lib/inspect/component/cpp/
Starts a new server. The implementation deletes itself during teardown after an unbind or else runs until component shutdown.
`data` is the Inspect data served over the connection.
The `Inspector` variant results in full-featured Inspect with lazy nodes and values.
The `zx::vmo` variant will not serve lazy nodes/values. It will only serve the Inspect data in itself. The VMO may contain lazy nodes/values, but they will be ignored when snapshotting and parsing the data.
public void handle_unknown_method(
md, fidl::UnknownMethodCompleter::Sync & completer)
Defined at line 60 of file ../../sdk/lib/inspect/component/cpp/service.h
public void GetContent(GetContentCompleter::Sync & completer)
Defined at line 64 of file ../../sdk/lib/inspect/component/cpp/
Get the VMO handle for the Inspector handled by this server.
public void OpenChild(OpenChildRequestView request, OpenChildCompleter::Sync & completer)
Defined at line 134 of file ../../sdk/lib/inspect/component/cpp/
Start a server for handling the lazy child whose name is passed.
public void ListChildNames(ListChildNamesRequestView request, ListChildNamesCompleter::Sync & completer)
Defined at line 116 of file ../../sdk/lib/inspect/component/cpp/
Start a server that furnishes the names of this Tree's children.
The names provided by the server this method starts are valid values to be passed to `OpenChild`.