class TreeNameIterator

Defined at line 81 of file ../../sdk/lib/inspect/component/cpp/service.h

Inherits from fidl::WireServer<fuchsia_inspect::TreeNameIterator>



public void StartSelfManagedServer(async_dispatcher_t * dispatcher, fidl::ServerEnd<fuchsia_inspect::TreeNameIterator> && request, vector names)

Defined at line 18 of file ../../sdk/lib/inspect/component/cpp/

Start a server that deletes itself on unbind.


public void GetNext(GetNextCompleter::Sync & completer)

Defined at line 31 of file ../../sdk/lib/inspect/component/cpp/

Get the next batch of names. Names are sent in batches of `kMaxTreeNamesListSize`, which is defined with the rest of the FIDL protocol.


public void handle_unknown_method( UnknownMethodMetadata md, fidl::UnknownMethodCompleter::Sync & completer)

Defined at line 93 of file ../../sdk/lib/inspect/component/cpp/service.h