class Inspector

Defined at line 61 of file ../../zircon/system/ulib/inspect/include/lib/inspect/cpp/inspector.h

The entry point into the Inspection API.

An Inspector wraps a particular tree of Inspect data.

This class is thread safe and copyable.



public void Inspector()

Defined at line 21 of file ../../zircon/system/ulib/inspect/

Construct a new Inspector.


public void Inspector(const InspectSettings & settings)

Defined at line 23 of file ../../zircon/system/ulib/inspect/

Construct a new Inspector with the given settings.


public void Inspector( vmo vmo)

Defined at line 39 of file ../../zircon/system/ulib/inspect/

Construct a new Inspector backed by the given VMO.

The VMO must support ZX_RIGHT_WRITE, ZX_VM_CAN_MAP_WRITE, ZX_VM_CAN_MAP_READ permissions, and must be exclusively written to via the constructed Inspector.

If an invalid VMO is passed all Node operations will have no effect.


public vmo DuplicateVmo()

Defined at line 74 of file ../../zircon/system/ulib/inspect/

Returns a duplicated read-only version of the VMO backing this inspector.


public cpp17::optional<zx::vmo> FrozenVmoCopy()

Defined at line 66 of file ../../zircon/system/ulib/inspect/

Returns a read-only, page-by-page copy-on-write duplicate of the backing VMO.


public cpp17::optional<zx::vmo> CopyVmo()

Defined at line 84 of file ../../zircon/system/ulib/inspect/

Returns a copied version of the VMO backing this inspector.

The returned copy will always be a consistent snapshot of the inspector state, truncated to include only relevant pages from the underlying VMO.


public cpp17::optional<std::vector<uint8_t>> CopyBytes()

Defined at line 94 of file ../../zircon/system/ulib/inspect/

Returns a copy of the bytes of the VMO backing this inspector.

The returned bytes will always be a consistent snapshot of the inspector state, truncated to include only relevant bytes from the underlying VMO.


public InspectStats GetStats()

Defined at line 103 of file ../../zircon/system/ulib/inspect/

Returns stats about this Inspector.

operator bool

public bool operator bool()

Defined at line 108 of file ../../zircon/system/ulib/inspect/include/lib/inspect/cpp/inspector.h

Boolean value of an Inspector is whether it is actually backed by a VMO.

This method returns false if and only if Node operations on the Inspector are no-ops.


public Node & GetRoot()

Defined at line 110 of file ../../zircon/system/ulib/inspect/

Returns a reference to the root node owned by this inspector.


public void emplace(T value)

Defined at line 112 of file ../../zircon/system/ulib/inspect/include/lib/inspect/cpp/inspector.h

Emplace a value to be owned by this Inspector.


public void ClearRecorded()

Defined at line 118 of file ../../zircon/system/ulib/inspect/include/lib/inspect/cpp/inspector.h

Clear the recorded values owned by this Inspector.


public void CreateStatsNode()

Defined at line 133 of file ../../zircon/system/ulib/inspect/

Adds a lazy node to this Inspector that will collect stats data about this Inspector when accessed.


public std::vector<std::string> GetChildNames()

Defined at line 112 of file ../../zircon/system/ulib/inspect/

Gets the names of the inspectors linked off of this inspector.


public fpromise::promise<Inspector> OpenChild(const std::string & name)

Defined at line 114 of file ../../zircon/system/ulib/inspect/

Open a child of this inspector by name.

Returns a promise for the opened inspector.


public void AtomicUpdate(AtomicUpdateCallbackFn callback)

Defined at line 118 of file ../../zircon/system/ulib/inspect/

Execute |callback| under a single lock of the Inspect VMO.

This callback receives a reference to the root of the inspect hierarchy.